Orbital Transfer - Inter-Platform Logistics

by urthen

Adds provider and requester chests to send items between platforms orbiting the same location

3 months ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

g (resolved) UPS-hungry requester chests

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Requester chests consume too many UPS, the game starts freezing if you place 30-50 chests with filters
UPD: Changing mod settings does not affect performance. Perhaps it is worth changing the logic of requests and delivery at the code level

3 months ago

Hrm, I'll take a look at this. I had some ideas about only checking a certain number of chests per update that sounds like it might be required, but I didn't think it'd be that bad with that few chests.

3 months ago

There are some performance improvements in the latest version, including a new setting to not render deliveries which saves a lot of performance if you have a lot and don't mind not seeing them. I'll continue to look for more as I work on the mod.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Update 0.2.3 fixed the problem, the consumption of game resources by mod has been significantly reduced, the game time usage with 250 active requester chests is 0.03 - 0.06

3 months ago

Thanks for confirming!

New response