Orbital Transfer - Inter-Platform Logistics

by urthen

Adds provider and requester chests to send items between platforms orbiting the same location

3 months ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

b (resolved) Crash when deleting chest

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Was trying to remove some chests and it keeps crashing. I somehow managed to delete them but I wasn't able to reproduce it.
I can provide a savefile if needed.

The mod Orbital Transfer (0.2.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event orbital-transfer::on_object_destroyed (ID 169)
__orbital-transfer__/control.lua:123: attempt to index local 'platform_data' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    __orbital-transfer__/control.lua:123: in function 'rescan_provider_chests'
    __orbital-transfer__/control.lua:465: in function 'deregister_transfer_chest'
    __orbital-transfer__/control.lua:473: in function <__orbital-transfer__/control.lua:469>
3 months ago

This looks related to the other error report, I think I know what's going on and will update soon.

3 months ago

Hopefully fixed in 0.2.2. You might need to destroy all chests on the platform but rebuilding them should hopefully get things back into a working state.

New response