Orbital Transfer - Inter-Platform Logistics

by urthen

Adds provider and requester chests to send items between platforms orbiting the same location

3 months ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

i Change "complete stacks only" setting?

3 months ago

Hi there, thanks for the mod :) I really like seeing stuff like this where folks are building new systems around the new systems.
Big space-age_mind-explosion.gif energy!

I'm wondering if it's possible to add a setting where I can remove the limitation of provider / requester chests only operating once a full stack is available for import / export. Not sure if there are performance implications (100s of tiny requests vs. fewer large requests) but I figured I'd throw it out there.

3 months ago

I'll put it on the list to maybe figure out. It's technically possible, of course, but since I want to limit chests to one slot to prevent people from just using them as storage, I can really only safely have one stack (full or otherwise) in transit at a time per requester or else it might have nowhere to go.

I do want to figure out some solution for sending over asteroid chunks faster though, and this is (tangentially) related, so it might work into that.

3 months ago

I think it would be incredibly flexible if you made it circuit triggerable when the stack is "available"

3 months ago

As in, don't send items unless a circuit condition is true?

Definitely a neat idea but I don't know that much about creating custom circuit logic. I'll think about it at least!

17 days ago

I hacked together something that lets one use a constant combinator to tell the provider a new minimum batch to send. Basically if the chest receives a signal with the same item type that is in the chest, then it uses the signal value as the minimum batch size. I need to test out the code a little more, but I can send it to you if you are interested. It's not a great interface since the user has to set up circuit networks instead of just specifying a count in the chest, but at least it works if you have something like Cryogenic Plants and you want to send one or two instead of 20.

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