Make Angel's smelting recipes the best way by disabling direct ore smelting in furnaces. It forces you to go in the advanced metallurgy path. Need angel's smelting.
Mod category: Tweaks
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
I am kind of at a loss. If you disable expensive early game steel recipe and also do not opt to get a tiny start equipment, how do you start steel production when you need steel for blast and induction furnaces, and for casting machines? Am I missing something?
As of 0.2.2 for Factorio 0.17 when the "Allow an expensive and inefficient early-game steel recipe" is disabled then there is no way to get steel to be able to build the Angel's Mk1 smelting buildings, thus stalling progress as all recipes to get steel are either 40 x Molten Steel -> 4 x Steel Plate and 1 x Steel Sheet Coil -> 4 x Steel Plate, both of which require Angels smelting (and the coil requiring green research as well), with no other method.
I am in this same rut. All that I am running that could possibly cause this, as you report it as another mods steel recipe messing with it, is Bob's, Angel's, and this. No other mod I am using touches steel. I'm not even sure if Bob's does tbh...
As of now, until this is solved, I am disabling this mod till I have enough steel for one mk1 smelting line then re-enabling it.