One More Tier

by Jakzie

Adds one more (faster but more expensive) tier of Electric furnace, Ore refinery, Chemical plant, Assembling machine, Long handed inserter, Lab, Pumpjack, Pipe, Offshore pump, Storage tank, Transport belt, Electric mining drill, Roboport and Centrifuge. You can enable/disable any of these in mod settings as well as change both speed and energy usage.

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Mod Wont Launch Anymore (fixed in 1.0.3)

3 years ago

I love your mod and really found out about it today, but i ran into an issue. I accidently changed the Energy name to k instead of using Watts or Joules and now i cant run the mod at all. I get the error: Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype "omt-electric-furnace" (furnace) Energy amount has to be specified in W or J (Watts or Joules) in property tree at ROOT.furnace.omt-electric-furnace.energy_usage

Is there a way to even uninstall mods and reinstall them to their original state? They should have at least made a way to modify values to help make the mod work again. Really good mod and would love to fix this!

3 years ago

Hello sorry about that. Sadly it seems like Factorio doesn't have a way to revert specific values that crash the game, however, you can revert all mod settings to default by deleting mod-settings.dat file inside Factorio mods folder.

In the next version I'll try adding some code that checks the format of energy usage to prevent this from happening.

3 years ago

Wow you respond fast, I love it! Is deleting that file the same as deleting the whole mod because i have deleted the mod in many different ways and i still get that same error. I really appreciate your fast response and I see huge potential in your future by the way you interact with people fellow friend!

3 years ago

Deleting the mod won't help, because it doesn't contain any changes you make to the settings. Those are stored for all mods in mod-settings.dat file. Also I've just randomly opened the page to see how my mod is doing and saw your message, but thanks for the appreciation :)

3 years ago

I will try this when I can, thank you for your time and work!

New response