Onboard Computer

by Relik77

Add a board computer to your cars and write a Lua program to give them an AI

6 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

i Waypoint Navigation

6 years ago

Do you think you could add some commands for navigating to a certain set of coordinates?
It'd be possible to set up looping traffic flows to make deliveries and such if this were a thing (minus a few other important things like traffic management, but still really cool).

6 years ago

I'm going to add a command-line function "position" to know its position and to be able to put it in a table.
Subsequently, I think add a tool (in the manner of YARM mod) to manage waypoints and add a function "car.getWaypoint (name)".
I also planned to add other functions for "networking" (in the computer_core mod) and to detect other cars in an area with a on-board computer (for traffic management)

6 years ago

New version done,
Add support for Waypoints and traffic management.
Networking support is in the roadmap for a next version.

Enjoy playing ;-)

6 years ago

Thanks, that's really awesome! I'll play with it after this next round of exams :D

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