This mod fixes the above crash by removing some disabled entries from the noise layer.
This is in general a bad idea as another mod could attempt to re-enable an entry, at which point the game will crash.
This mod should be used with discretion for the aforementioned reason.
That being said, I can't imagine any mod trying to re-enable any entries unless the authors got into a cat fight and want to override each others' mods.
What is the noise layer?
The noise layer is the name register of all tiles/entities that generate in the world. This includes ground, trees, ores and cliffs. If some of these are disabled then that item will not generate in any world.
For example, Angel's Refining disables the generation of Bob's ores, because it replaces them.
The same can be said about Omnimatter.
These disabled ores take up a space in the "noise-layer", which can be a problem if one uses too many mods, as the noise layer can only hold up to 255 entities. To give you an idea of how little space that is, vanilla Factorio uses up 59 of those as of version 0.16.25
If you have Omnimatter, ores from the following mods will get deleted:
Angels Refining
Bob's Ores
MadClown01's Extended Minerals
Dark Matter Replicators
Base Mod
If you don't have Omnimatter, but have Angels Refining, ores from the following mods will get deleted:
Bob's Ores
Base Mod
If anyone needs to contact me, ask about me on EmperorZelos' discord channel.
1.0.0 - Initial Release