Nixie Tubes

Adds nixie tubes, for displaying values from a connected circuit network.

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

b 1 of 2: Nixie tubes placed on map are entirely invisible in radar-image mapview?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

INTRO: Thanks for making such a neat little mod! I use this mod extensively, going so far as to create my personal blueprints in quadruplicate to accomodate all N / S / E / W orientations (mostly I use this as train-station content displays, particularly important with LTN-mod and troubleshooting in-game designs.)

ISSUE: I'm just now noticing (after literally years...!) that this mod's entities, when placed on the map, are entirely invisible within the radar-image mapview?

I did some checking to make sure I understood how to thoroughly ask about this. I specifically did so both with my main save with all my mods active, as well as on my modded creative test map, and also on a brand new map with all mods disabled except for this one.

Entity-ghosts DO appear correctly as light-pink silhouettes in the satellite-image mapview according to the mapview rules of radar-coverage and fog-of-war (i.e., when lack of radar is supposed to prevent mapview visibility, there's no problem.) Once placed, all 3 of this mod's entities disappear entirely from the radar-image, and the only thing correctly visible is the terrain tile (or tiles) underneath where the nixie tubes entities would otherwise be.

The two things that DO display correctly on mapview are (1) the pink-silhouettes of ghost images, and (2) the red-silhouette of the drag-box of a not-yet-unclicked deconstruction planner. Once the entities get marked for deconstruction, they again disappear entirely from the image.

Please lemme know any further info would be helpful, to include savefile, screengrabs, in-game debugging info, or anything else.

INFO: Game
Base v1.1.39 (build 58937 win64)
Nixie_Tubes v1.1.2
Simulation_Helper v1.1.1
Windows10 v21H1 osbuild 19043.1165
i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz 4.00 GHz
32.0 GB ram
~595 MB Factorio
~1400 MB other apps (mostly Firefox tabs)
~300 (?) MB other (67 Background Processes, 83 Windows Processes)

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