Nixie Tubes

Adds nixie tubes, for displaying values from a connected circuit network.

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

b Moving the item on the ground leaves display part behind

7 years ago

Hi @justarandomgeek,

I've just started playing with your mod. It's awesome. But it has some little flaw that I'd like to share with you so that you might be able to fix it.

Maybe you know that you can move items that have already been placed on the ground by means of the cursor keys. Some can be moved (e.g. assemblers), others can't (e.g. belts). Your tube display can be moved but after moving it, the active part with the display stays in the old place. You cannot even move the passive (casing) part back to its original place because that is occupied by the display.

Two possible solutions: make your tube displays unmovable (would be a pity) or make the active display part move with the rest of the item.

Either way, keep rocking!


6 years ago

You must be talking about the Picker Dolly from Picker Extended. I just confirmed that it works fine, so the modder must have fixed it.

New response