Nixie Tubes

Adds nixie tubes, for displaying values from a connected circuit network.

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

i update frequency

7 years ago

suggest adding config ability to change the update frequency

when having a large factory with many of these (100+) they do cause quite a number of updates per tick, there by causing additional lag

suggest making the update frequency available to change
example: update once every 60 ticks or more, sometimes i don't need but a glance at how much is in there and i can then go adjust something else, i don't think i have used them in any of my situations where i need them to update more than once per second. and in many situations it could be set as high as once a minute.

7 years ago

When 0.15 comes out and configs are actually a thing, i'll be adding them were reasonable to all my mods, including update frequency on heavier ones.

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