Necrogami's Painful Modpack

This a meta package for easily installing my modpack.

5 years ago


Version: 0.17.3
Date: March, 16th 2019
    - Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders (Only Loaders enabled.)
    - Deadlock's Integrations
    - Changed starting items from megabotstart to our own.
    - Change some startup config options.

    - Angel's Industries (Not updated to 0.17 yet)
    - Auto research (Not in line with our concept)
    - Crafting Speed Research (Duplicate)
    - Mega Bot Start (Custom coding something more in line with our needs)
    - Miniloader (replaced with Deadlocks)
    - Waterfill (Duplicate)

  Set to Optional:
    - Afraid of the Dark
    - Blueprint Flipper/Turner
    - Bottleneck
    - Enhanced Map Colors
    - FNEI
    - Helmod
    - More Minimap Autohide
    - Tapeline
    - Todo List
Version: 0.17.2
Date: March, 16th 2019
  Bug Fix:
    - Fixed numbering of Electric trains version.
Version: 0.17.1
Date: March, 15th 2019
  Major Features:
    - Initial release