Naked Rails

by steinio

Convert standard rails to naked rails, removing the gravel and/or sleepers. Can also change rails to rail remnants for a destroyed look.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Naked Rails in 1.1.1

4 years ago

First, a big THANK YOU to steinio for continuing this mod.

I'm sure he will update this soon, but if you are as impatient as me, you can get this to work with 1.1.1 with just a few edits. NO GUARANTEES!

You will need to edit shortcuts.lua to change the 4 instances of




and the 4 instances of




Then, edit selection-tools.lua to change the 4 instances of

 flags {"not-stackable"},


 flags = {'only-in-cursor', 'spawnable'}

Finally, you will need to edit the info.json so that the 'factorio_version' is '1.1' instead of '0.18'.

Obviously, make back-ups of everything before making any changes or loading a game. This is working for me, but again, no guarantees.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


thanks to your prework the update was easy.
At least it doesn't crash :)

I also added colors (only red, blue and green are available as i know) to the shortcut tools.
Maybe you like to give feedback if it's stupid or better for distinguishing the different tools.

If you use the pipette (Q) the vanilla rail is selected which is a little downer for now.

Cu, steinio.

4 years ago

They look fine to me; by that I mean they match the Wube icons. TBH I don't put many icons in the bar, I prefer the menu.

I think the pipette thing is fine as is. I think the normal workflow is making rails, and then later, after all the engineering errors are fixed, beautification can happen.

New response