More Bobs!: Core deprecated

by Xagros

Extends additional add-ons for all of the Bob's mod

5 years ago

b crash for recipe prototype deadlock-packrecipe-stone-crushed

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

multi-mod interaction crash. v 0.16.27

Failed to load mods: Error while loading recipe prototype "deadlock-packrecipe-stone-crushed" (recipe): Difficulty normal: Value outside of range in property tree at ROOT.recipe.deadlock-packrecipe-stone-crushed.ingredients[1][1]
Modifications: More Bobs!

error generating in 0.16.27 of More Bobs with most recent versions of deadlocks trio of mods. However, Those four mods alone doesn't trigger crash
I wrote a bunch more here as i was jotting notes, but i'll save you some time reading:

--crash seems to occur only when Noxy's stacksize multiplier, noxy's extra settings mod AND wormmus config mod are all enabled with more bobs! and it's optional dependencies.

Error didn't give a specific line of code or section so i'm not sure what to check. i browsed through deadlock's mods real quick and couldn't find anything that stood out to me (sorry). Testing various arrangements of mods, but it only crashes once Noxy's stacksize multiplier mod, and wommus config collided with More Bobs! (and deadlock's).

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

[testing with Bio Industries, Bob's full suite of mods, deadlock's trio of mods, flare stack, flow control, KS Power, lighted electric poles+, (and various settings for Noxy's stacksize multiplier and worrmmus config) ]

changed Wormmus config setting: "tweak stack sizes from "x10" to "not enabled"
changed Noxy stacksize multiplier setting: from 50 to 1
Result: no crash.

--restored noxy's stacksize to 50. Result: no crash.
--set wormmus' stacksize multiplier to 2x. Result: no crash.
--set wormmus' stacksize multiplier to 5x. Result: no crash.
--set wormmus' stacksize multiplier to 10x. Result: CRASH. [essentially crash at 500x]
--set noxy's stacksize multiplier to 25. Result: no crash.
--set noxy's stacksize multipler to 40 (essentially a 400x multipler when combined with wormmus). Result: no crash.
--set noxy's stacksize multipler to 45: Crash.

Crash occurs when a stacksize multiplier exceeds some unknown in-game lua limit. Though i'm not sure if there is a reason this specific recipe fails, and why other recipes do not.

6 years ago

and now i know what to look at FIRST when i see "value outside range" in a crash report. configs.

6 years ago

If anybody else gets a "Value outisde of range" error, reduce your stacksize multipliers first, you'll save yourself some time.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Hi, usafphoenix.
I read your topic and found out that a huge number is not supported. In comparison, the stock size of the initially crushed stone in the bio industry mod is too large. I changed the value temporarily from the line that I can do in my mod. (With the bio industry tweak option in mod, reduced the stock size of crushed stone items in bio industry mod.)

However, this method does not necessarily solve the essential problem. Fixing the stock size value in Bio Industry mod solves some problems, but if you change to a very large value without using My Mod, Deadlock mod will cause problems. If possible, it would be nice if Deadlock mod could change the stock size variable to a larger value. Thank you for providing detailed information.

6 years ago

I think I could not change the variable type. The best way is to adjust the stock size of the bio industry.

6 years ago

ah. so i guess it was something like an int-value that then tried to get to a value higher than an int type can hold? that'd explain the error message 'value outside of range'

6 years ago

It is difficult to solve in the area of the mod because there is a value declared in the game itself.

New response