More miniloaders

by Jakzie

Adds more miniloaders from Miniloader mod for some modded transport belts. Includes miniloaders for One More Tier, Xander Mod, Iper Belt, Hiladdar's Belts and 5Dim. Adds compatibility with RitnMechanic. Includes an API for mod creators to add their own miniloaders.

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

i 1x2 miniloaders?

3 years ago

Is there ability to do modded miniloaders to get 1x2 size of them?
1x1 are too simple and too easy. But that existed 1x2 "vanilla loaders" didnt consume energy.
So my ask is for add maybe some belt before miniloader under the 1x2 cover.
Best regards!

3 years ago

Hello, you already asked me this and my answer is still the same.
To make 1x2 miniloaders I would have to make a modified version of the Miniloader mod, which I can't do because of the licence it uses. Or I would have to make my own loader mod from scratch, but I'm not gonna do that.
If you want 1x2 miniloaders you need to ask the creator of the Miniloader mod for them.
Sorry, but I can't help you with this.

2 years ago

i think you might be looking for this mod ...

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