Molten Holmium

by Jonasso

A simple recepie like molten iron/copper for holmium.

a month ago

i 3 question

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

1:Is it possible for both to be moved to a research step earlier? The reson for this is very simple: I don't like gambling, and scrap is exactly that. So I would prever to turn scrap off completly. This works fine, since you can get scrap from ruins and unlock this research. Sadly, for some mods, like Space age without space, and similar mods, ruins don't exist = no way to get Scrap (item) to unlock the the research. Aka your mod is perfect to bypass lack of Holmium, without any Scrap mining side

2: Similar ideea for Lithium-Brine but my issues being that it's a limited liquid for reason I don't understand why the devs did this. Aka it just annoys my OCD. I haven't seen a mod to make it unlimited (not counting unlimited ore mods), so your mods it's the best for it. Sadly it still request Lithium-Brine (though for now I just set everything to lowest, aka getting rid of them without running out, so again, it's just an OCD thing and nothing more).

3: Any chance for an alternative Tungsten ore mod? It's copy paste for the Lithium-brine situation.

Lastly, thank you, I hate the gambling elements and waste (throw off space platform, throw in lava, end game + post game situation of destroy via recycling itemes you don't need from scrap in order to get holmiun, and let me not even start with Gleba <- at least there is a no spoiler mod) that the devs added to the game. And scrap is both, and with your mod, I can finally finally bypass the the gambling and (end game) indirect forced item destruction the game adds.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Of course, adding other ores would be awsome

a month ago

Thanks for your positive Feedback!

1: I will upload an Update soon where you unlock molten holmium with the Electromagnetic Science Pack

3: In the next days, i will upload a mod for that. But a similar mod alredy exists: " Molten Tungsten" by LuziferSenpai.

New response