Tired of playing with beacons? Of building in a straight line and not being able to customize your base? Look no further.
This mod disables beacons and adds beacon effects to vanilla modules while tweaking them to try to stay competitive as follows:
Efficiency 1 module -100% energy consumption, -10% pollution
Efficiency 2 module -200% energy consumption, -20% pollution
Efficiency 3 module -400% energy consumption, -40% pollution
Productivity 1 module +5% productivity, +5% pollution, -7.5% speed, +50% energy consumption
Productivity 2 module +10% productivity, +10% pollution, -15% speed, +100% energy consumption
Productivity 3 module +20% productivity, +20% pollution, -30% speed, +200% energy consumption
Speed 1 module +100% speed, +150% energy consumption
Speed 2 module +200% speed, +300% energy consumption
Speed 3 module +400% speed, +600% energy consumption
Electric furnace with 2 module slots: Productivity 3 module + Speed 3 module = 2 vanilla Productivity 3 modules + 8 vanilla beacons with Speed 3 modules
Assembly machine 3 with 4 module slots: 2 x Productivity 3 module + 1 x Speed 3 module = 4 vanilla Productivity 3 modules + 8 vanilla beacons with Speed 3 modules (one extra slot)
No recipe price change. Allows upgrading existing factories without the need to rebuild them in a different position or shape.