ModMash Splinter, New Worlds

Mod Mash Splinter for New Worlds, Rid Nauvis of the Queen Hive and explore New Worlds with unique resourses. Increase productivity of smeltable items with Pureonium.

Mod packs
1 year, 8 months ago

b Ore not appearing on new planets

3 years ago

Hi, I don't get any resources on the surfaces of new planets and Pureonium does not appear on any underground either, even though the exploration tells me otherwise. I don't use RSO or any other ore mods, just QOL and all ModMash splinters. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your help!

3 years ago

different planets get different ores it's random. I'll have a quick check but nothing changed since my last test

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I am seeing resources on planet seems to include unlisted which I will check but got gold puronium etc.
Underground including resources that are unique to planet will require a bit of work so that issue later.
Sorry work on project not as fast as it once was

3 years ago

update soon, was a few issues

3 years ago

Thanks, but that did not change anything. New planets still don't have any ore on the surfaces and as before, no pureonium underground. Or do I need to start a completely new game?

3 years ago

Pureonium would have to be a modification to undeground as when built the remote calls I added didn't allow seperarion by planet so its never requested. I dont want pureonium on nauvise so will have to be a later fix.
New discovered planets should spawn resources correctly not any exiting ones though.

New response