A Substation with extended range for chunk aligned power coverage at legendary.
Check out my other chunk aligned mods:
- Radar MK2: 64x64 chunk coverage at legendary
- Roboport MK2: 2 chunk coverage at normal and increased charging speed at legendary
- Utility Station: Combine Roboports and Substations into a single 4x4 structure
- Utility Station MK2: Combine Roboports and Substations; and optionally Radars or Lightning Collectors into a single 2x2 structure
Adds a Substation MK2 that can be chunk aligned in a 32x32 grid at legendary quality:
- Increases the wire distance and supply area at legendary from 28x28 to 32x32
- Assembled in Electromagnetic Plants on Nauvis with Substation, Superconductors, and Efficiency Module 3s