Mining wagon

by adamius

Adds a mining wagon with electric drills built in.

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b [todo] Wagon does not work when placed by script

4 years ago


I got a bug report on my Train construction site mod:

Hey there i am using Mining wagon by adamius, when iam placing the modded wagon normaly it works, if it is placed by your ConstrictionSite it look normal but dont work. Any idea how to make both work. Cause i like to build automate farming trains.

The issue is on your control script:

script.on_event(, on_built_entity)
script.on_event(, on_built_entity)

You are only listening to player or bots building the entity, and not scripts. You can simply change this by also listening to script_raised_built for when a script builds a new train, and to script_raised_revive when a script revives a ghost.

Kind regards

4 years ago

Thanks for the report. I'll take a closer look.

New response