miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector

by Pi-C

The player stands like a giant near the vehicles. Now you can adjust the size of your character -- and you can change your appearance at any time if you've other mods that provide extra characters!

14 hours ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Fixed?] Large lagspike with jetpack and satellite view

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

Using this mod with jetpack causes a massive 1 second spike when entering or leaving the jetpack or switching to satellite view

I have tested
no character mods and no miniMAXIme : No Spike
Individual character mods : No lagspike
miniMAXIme with only 1 character mod (which is the active selection) : Lagspike
miniMAXIme with no character mods at all : Lagspike

the only option i have on in this mod is the character selector, i am no rescaling my character or anything else, just the character selector.
i can provide a save if you wanna try and load it if you cant reproduce

6 months ago

I have also tested the issue on another machine, same exact lagspike.

5 months ago

I can confirm this problem. I needed to drop this mod with SE+K2 unfortunately. Took me about 10s to go to satellite view (instead of instant).

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

Thanks for the report, and sorry I didn't respond any sooner! I'd appreciate a saved game for testing (especially for the satellite view). :-)

5 months ago

How many slots does your character inventory have? Are there any characters with excessive inventory size? I noticed the mod Big Inventory Bigger in a saved game I got for debugging something else, and it sets the inventory size to a ridiculous 5k slots (before bonuses).

When we swap characters, it will back up the inventories (so you won't lose items if the new character has a smaller inventory than the old one). Naturally, this will take much longer if the main inventory is huge. So one way to reduce the lag is to get rid of mods like Big Inventory. (I mean, who really would need that many slots? In the saved game I got, only the first 500 or so of the 5000 available slots were actually used -- and I had to scroll way down to see the last filled slots.)

What I did notice: We raise events unnecessarily, and on_player_gun_inventory_changed caused another backup of the character. I'll try to fix this. :-)

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

Thank you for your answer. I can confirm that the lag scales with the inventory size.

SE has robot attrition. When a robot network size is above (50?), robots will randomly crash and the character with active personal roboport will pick up the stuff the robot carried. So my inventory was filled up with random stuff and I had to clean up regularly. Which is either a manual process or a lot of trash configurations (since there is a lot items).

To circumvent this, I just installed "Quality of Life Research", set the inventory bonus to 5000 to never bother with that again. Not that I needed 5000, but the problem was solved for good :D I never changed that setting in my SE+K2 setup - altough I use "robot attrition - return to sender" to prevent the random pickup of the content of crashed robots in recent games. When I reduced the bonus to 250, the lag went down from ~10s to ~1.5s.

To me, this still feels too unresponsive to use.

From your post I take that nav view is considered a character switch technically. Is it possible to set the presumably hidden character used during nav view to the same amount of inventory slots as the play character to prevent the need for a backup? Or would it be possible to have an option to disable the character backup alltogether? Then we could work around the lag problem by setting the backup to enabled if we actually want to switch real chars and just play with the option disabled for 99% of time (nav view). I personally chose a character at the start and stick to it in one game.

I uploaded my current savegame. The factory won't work properly as I unloaded my personal unpublished mod, which adds certain inserters and adjusts things. 3000 entities were removed, but the game loads without it and the nav view still takes ~1.5s with 250 bonus slots.

5 months ago

Please try out version 1.1.42! Switching characters will still take a while if you are using mods that create insanely huge inventories, but I've made some changes to copying characters that should make the process faster (avoid raising events unnecessarily and skip events raised in response to our own changes to player inventories).

5 months ago

Thanks for the report, and sorry I didn't respond any sooner! I'd appreciate a saved game for testing (especially for the satellite view). :-)

i switched to the new mod version, very large improvement, from 180ms~ to 9.4ms to switch either into the satellite view or to the jetpack character, which seem like a lot but I don't even notice the dip.
here is my save if you use 1.1.41 going into the satellite view or going into the jetpack causes a huge lagspike, i don't have that many inventory slots, maybe 240?

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)


From your post I take that nav view is considered a character switch technically.

Yes: You switch from a character to no character.

Is it possible to set the presumably hidden character used during nav view to the same amount of inventory slots as the play character to prevent the need for a backup?

The character isn't hidden! It still exists and is visible, but it is no longer connected to the player. Technically, being in nav view is the same thing as being in god mode.

Or would it be possible to have an option to disable the character backup alltogether? Then we could work around the lag problem by setting the backup to enabled if we actually want to switch real chars and just play with the option disabled for 99% of time (nav view).

Not sure this would be correct. Technically, there are several ways to exit nav view: Using the hotkey provided by SE, switching to a new character, or entering editor mode. Not backing up the character on entering nav view may cause problems when you return by switching to another character.

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