miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector

by Pi-C

The player stands like a giant near the vehicles. Now you can adjust the size of your character -- and you can change your appearance at any time if you've other mods that provide extra characters!

14 hours ago
0.16 - 2.0

b Error crashed with SE Sat Nav Uplink

1 year, 7 months ago
(updated 1 year, 7 months ago)

Hello, I was exploring my base in Space Exploration using the Satellite Navigation uplink when the following text box appeared and crashed my world.
I was able to somewhat replicate this by jumping on a railway motor car from the mod with the same mod and entering and exiting the Satellite Navigation Uplink

The mod miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector (1.1.35) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event minime::Custom event (ID 334)
Given entity doesn't exist anymore.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'newindex'
/scripts/character.lua:85: in function 'copy_properties'
minime/scripts/character.lua:1696: in function 'event_handler'
minime/scripts/events.lua:285: in function <minime/scripts/events.lua:282>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'raise_event'
space-exploration/scripts/remote-view.lua:385: in function 'stop'
space-exploration/scripts/remote-view.lua:704: in function 'toggle'
space-exploration/scripts/remote-view.lua:770: in function 'callback'
space-exploration/scripts/event.lua:15: in function <space-exploration/scripts/event.lua:13>


1 year, 7 months ago

Thanks for the report! The bug is known, I just don't know yet how it happens.

I was exploring my base in Space Exploration using the Satellite Navigation uplink when the following text box appeared and crashed my world.

That's interesting! The error happens in the function that gets called in response to SE raising its custom "remote_view_stopped" event. Are you sure your didn't stop the Satellite Navigation uplink?

I was able to somewhat replicate this by jumping on a railway motor car from the mod with the same mod and entering and exiting the Satellite Navigation Uplink

I don't really understand that (haven't played SE for real, only experimented with some saved games I got for debugging). Why would you need a railway motor car? I always used the shortcut ('N') or the GUI button to enter/leave remote view.

Could you upload a saved game shortly before the crash, with idiot-proof instructions how to crash the game? I really can't make any sense of the error, before copying properties from dummy to character I make sure that both dummy and character exist and are valid, yet the bug reports I get are all about a dummy or character (one of them, can't tell which) that doesn't exist …

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