miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector

by Pi-C

The player stands like a giant near the vehicles. Now you can adjust the size of your character -- and you can change your appearance at any time if you've other mods that provide extra characters!

14 hours ago
0.16 - 2.0

g I,Robot Flashlight

1 year, 9 months ago

I'm not sure if this is a BUG or Intentional, so i am just setting this thread to GENERAL.
I use the I, Robot and love it. Works great, however at night for some reason the lil guy (I, Robot) doesn't have a flashlight at night.
I can swap out to other characters, Got Flashlight. I, Robot? No Flashlight.
I am using several QOL mods as well. No conflicts, everything loads just fine and performs like it should except this guy's Flashlight.

Am I the only one or is this around the table?

BTW, your the best for keeping this mod alive and updated. TFTF

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

I use the I, Robot and love it. Works great, however at night for some reason the lil guy (I, Robot) doesn't have a flashlight at night.
I can swap out to other characters, Got Flashlight. I, Robot? No Flashlight.

Sorry, I can't reproduce that. In my testing world, I've used Creative Mod (Surface cheats) to set day time to midnight so that my character activates the flashlight. When I switch to "I, Robot", the flashlight stays on. Actually, this is only to be expected because I didn't change the flashlight in the prototype definition, so the light definition is the same as for the default character. On the other hand, Shrek doesn't have the flashlight cone, but just a circle of light around the character.

I am using several QOL mods as well. No conflicts, everything loads just fine and performs like it should except this guy's Flashlight.

What happens if you change to the default character? Does that one still have a flashlight? If not, I suspect one of these mods removes the light definition from the default character, and that change is copied to "I, Robot". You can check the prototype-history by using CTRL+E to open the prototype browser, and looking up "Default character". Under "prototype-history" (last entry in section "PrototypeBase"), there should be just 2 entries ("base" and "minime"). If there are more, one of these probably is the culprit.

BTW, your the best for keeping this mod alive and updated. TFTF

Thanks, glad you like it! :-)

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