miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector

by Pi-C

The player stands like a giant near the vehicles. Now you can adjust the size of your character -- and you can change your appearance at any time if you've other mods that provide extra characters!

14 hours ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Fixed] Cannot Join Multiplayer

2 years ago

When attempting to join multiplayer a notice appears stating the mod is incompatible with multiplayer


End of the log:
284.182 Script @minime/common.lua:288: End of common.lua!
284.186 Script @minime/scripts/remote_interface.lua:387: Adding remote interface "minime".
284.186 Script @minime/scripts/remote_interface.lua:390: Interface has these functions: {backup_player = true, bob_class_pick_character = true, bob_classes_update = true, dump = true, get_character_list = true, get_minime_event_id = true, get_minime_event_ids = true, main_inventory_resized = true, on_character_swapped = true, on_entity_died = true, player_changed_character = true, pre_player_changed_character = true, register_characters = true, unregister_characters = true}
284.186 Checksum for script minime/control.lua: 1974962821
284.187 Script @minime/scripts/remote_interface.lua:385: Remote interface already exists!
284.187 Script @minime/scripts/remote_interface.lua:390: Interface has these functions: {backup_player = true, bob_class_pick_character = true, bob_classes_update = true, dump = true, get_character_list = true, get_minime_event_id = true, get_minime_event_ids = true, main_inventory_resized = true, on_character_swapped = true, on_entity_died = true, player_changed_character = true, pre_player_changed_character = true, register_characters = true, unregister_characters = true}
284.194 Error ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:1074: mod-minime was registered for the following events when the map was saved but has not re-registered them as a result of loading: on_cutscene_cancelled (ID 168)
284.194 Error ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:99: MultiplayerManager failed: "" + multiplayer.script-event-mismatch + "
" + "

The only mods on the list are:
Among us Character
Character mod helper

2 years ago

Thanks for the report! on_cutscene_cancelled is usually run on starting the game, and only the first player will get the cutscene. Is that different in multiplayer? Did a new player join the game, or when did that happen?

2 years ago

After the cut scene plays and ends the 2nd player joins the world. It gives the notice if the player joins after I skip the cut scene or if I let the scene play out, Then after getting the save file they are given the notice and can't join the game.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I can't really test multiplayer issues myself. Could you try if these changes fix it?

  • In scripts/events.lua, replace lines 35-37 with this:

    -- If player joins the game, initialize GUI and data!
    event_handlers.on_player_joined_game = minime_player.on_player_joined_game
    event_handlers.on_cutscene_cancelled = minime_player.on_player_joined_game

  • In scripts/player.lua, replace lines 700-719 with this:

    -- We're still in a cutscene. Wait until it is finished!
    if player.cutscene_character then
    minime.writeDebug("Player has no character yet. Waiting for cutscene to finish!")

    -- Cutscene has finished or wasn't played. Initialize player immediately!
    minime.writeDebug("Initializing %s!", {minime.argprint(player)})

I hope this will prevent the desync! :-)

2 years ago

I was seeing the same issue and the above changes fixed it for me and my wife playing multiplayer.

2 years ago

I was seeing the same issue and the above changes fixed it for me and my wife playing multiplayer.

Thanks for confirming that it works! The fix is included in version 1.1.20.

New response