miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector

by Pi-C

The player stands like a giant near the vehicles. Now you can adjust the size of your character -- and you can change your appearance at any time if you've other mods that provide extra characters!

14 hours ago
0.16 - 2.0

g unable to change size on a mod about resizing chars

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

not a single way to change char size in game, no slider , no buttons , no hot key , no commands , no information on the mod page on how to resize, no information in the mod description in game.

2 years ago

TLDR: Check out the startup settings!

not a single way to change char size in game, no slider , no buttons , no hot key , no commands

Sorry, it is not possible to change the character size on the fly in the game! The reason is simple: properties like collision boxes, scale factors for graphics etc. must be defined in the prototype. I probably could add a slider, hotkey, or command to simulate an on-the-fly character change but that would mean I'd have to prepare different versions of each prototype in the data stage and then exchange the entities when you change the slider, use the hotkey, or run the command.

That's bad for two reasons: First, depending on the mods used in a game, there may already be several versions of each character prototype you see. If Jetpack is used, we need a flying and a non-flying version. If Bob's classes mod is used along with it (which provides about 10 different classes), we must create a flying and a non-flying version for each class -- which means about 20 prototypes for each new character. Now use one of plexpt's mods that add 20 or more characters, and you'll have several hundred prototypes. If I'd add just 10 different sizes, that would mean several thousand prototypes to handle!

I won't go down that road. Keeping track of all the prototypes that are (or once were) available in a game is hard enough as it is. Also, this would allow only for very coarse-grained scaling, with preset scale factors.

However, there is a really simple way to work around this, and it even allows for more fine-grained scaling: Go to the main menu and open "Settings --> Mod settings --> Startup". Look for "miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector" (or whatever it has been translated to in your locale), and you'll find a setting "Scaling factor for character size (in percent)". This must be set to an integer value in the range of 10 to 500. Both of these are extremes, I wouldn't set the scale factor to anything lower than 50%, or to anything larger than 200% -- but depending on the character mods you are using, even setting it to something in the range of 10%…50% or 200%…500% could make sense.

no information on the mod page on how to resize, no information in the mod description in game.

You're right, I guess putting up some info may be useful. :-)

2 years ago

no information on the mod page on how to resize, no information in the mod description in game.

Added a short explanation to the info page.

5 months ago

Is there a way you could add character scaling per character model? I am not sure if that is doable, but some mods have very large characters, while the default character model is noticably smaller.

5 months ago

Is there a way you could add character scaling per character model? I am not sure if that is doable, but some mods have very large characters, while the default character model is noticably smaller.

Yes, I know that some characters are too big: for example, Vaporeon is too big for the preview. Unfortunately, character scaling per model is not really feasible.

The problem is that character scaling happens in data stage, not at runtime. Therefore, settings that affect data stage can only be startup settings. Settings are built in the settings stage, which is right before the data stage. By the time settings are created, there are no prototypes yes -- the only thing we can know at that point is what mods are active. But mods can create several characters (for example, Genshin Impact Skin provides about 20, if I remember correctly) and we simply can't tell how many they will create, and what size they will have.

Of course, there is a way: a hardcoded list with the names of all characters from active mods. But this list must be updated when characters are added to or removed from a mod, and I'd have to add the characters from each new mod to the list. That would be too much trouble for my taste, and it wouldn't be reliable as I could miss a change. I'd rather like to automate things and make the code so general that it dynamically covers all prototypes in the game -- which is possible during the data and control stage, but not where we would need it here: when the settings are created.

I could offer you to add scaling per character MOD. This should work for the character mods that provide just one character. However, Genshin Impact has character models of different size (e.g. Paimon is tiny, about a third of the preview window height, while characters like Keqing or Paimon Plus are so tall that they use the complete preview height), so using the same factor for all characters wouldn't be ideal.

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