miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector

by Pi-C

The player stands like a giant near the vehicles. Now you can adjust the size of your character -- and you can change your appearance at any time if you've other mods that provide extra characters!

14 hours ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [Fixed] no button

2 years ago

would be cool if you add option to remove that button in top left corner of screen "avaiable characters" its big and could be hidden cos i dont think someone changing character every min or so , or like me use your mod for size change only :)

2 years ago

would be cool if you add option to remove that button in top left corner of screen "avaiable characters" its big and could be hidden

IIRC, it is hidden when there are no characters to choose from (can't test right now because your saved games are so huge that even at the lowest graphics settings my computer is at its limit -- 16 GB of RAM is not enough). Perhaps it would make sense to move the button from the top to the character selector GUI?

cos i dont think someone changing character every min or so , or like me use your mod for size change only :)

There is a startup setting "Enable character selector", which is turned on by default. Disabling the setting will turn off the buttons.

2 years ago

i have this option off but button is there

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

well i had 0.5GB save once but it only load so slow for first time , fixing mods or something after you load it once , save it and then it is fast again

sry for my english , i read it and have problem understand myself lol what i mean is for me that save load long time too cos its old and has old mods and stuff but once it loads and you save it that new save gonna load in normal time

2 years ago

I've sent you a preview of 1.1.16 on the forums. Could you try if that will work without breaking anything? :-)

2 years ago

Finally uploaded 1.1.16 -- the bug should be fixed now!

New response