miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector

by Pi-C

The player stands like a giant near the vehicles. Now you can adjust the size of your character -- and you can change your appearance at any time if you've other mods that provide extra characters!

14 hours ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [Implemented alternative] Press E to close gui

2 years ago

pls add press E to close gui
It's hard to turn it off now

2 years ago

pls add press E to close gui

Sorry, that would have side effects -- see here:

"This is the GUI that will asked to close (by firing the on_gui_closed event) when the Esc or E keys are pressed. If this attribute is not nil, and a new GUI is written to it, the existing one will be asked to close."

If I would add this, opening my GUI would close your inventory GUI etc.

It's hard to turn it off now

Did you notice the startup setting "Close GUI after character change" ("角色更改后关闭 GUI" according to your translation)? It's turned off by default. Guess I could make that a player setting, though.

2 years ago

Can you add a cross in the upper right corner?

2 years ago

2 years ago

I will rework the GUI. But that is quite complicated and will take more time than I can spare at the moment. You see, I have to earn some money to pay my bills, and while I didn't have many clients in the past few months (so didn't get much money either), I've now got several clients all at once and have to struggle to get everything done on time …

2 years ago

Thanks for your hard work

2 years ago

Since version 1.1.9, there's a close button on the GUI, so you can use either that or the toggle button at the top of the screen to close the main window. I won't add the requested <E> shortcut (see my first post in this thread).

2 years ago

Thanks for your hard work again

2 years ago

You're welcome, and I do hope you like the new GUI! :-)

2 years ago

It would be better if it was a drag bar instead of a select page button

2 years ago

Can you imagine that your browser has no scroll bar but two buttons on the right?

2 years ago

It's easier to handle this way. All pages are predefined, when switching pages, all I have to do is setting the new page to "visible" + activating the preview entities on that page, and hiding the old page + deactivating the preview entities. With a dragbar, it would be more complicated.

Can you imagine that your browser has no scroll bar but two buttons on the right?

My browser has two buttons on the top left, for going back/forward in the history. It also has scroll bars, but those are for moving within the page. :-)

2 years ago

I mean it's nowhere near as convenient as a scrollbar

2 years ago

Your animations are nice, but they are also big (256 images/animation, right?). I don't want to have 30 animations always running when the GUI is open -- that's clearly too expensive. The way it's now, that's easy to cope with: All previews that are not on the visible page will be turned off. But with a scroll bar, how would I know which previews are visible? The only way I can imagine using a scrollbar instead of different pages would be to have all preview characters always inactive, even those that are visible. But I bet you wouldn't like that much, either. :-)

2 years ago

-- that's clearly too expensive.

not at all, The previous version worked fine except that it was obscured by the map, no performance issues

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

When I was testing with all character mods active (30 characters) I noticed that UPS below 60 even though I'd just started a new game where I hadn't built anything yet. If you open the debugging interface (<F4> per default) and check "show-time-usage", you should see the values of the render/prerender settings go up. (Could be different if you have a strong graphics card with lots of VRAM, but mine has just a meager 2GB.)

2 years ago

I don't have a powerful graphics card, I only have the core graphics that comes with the CPU

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