miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector

by Pi-C

The player stands like a giant near the vehicles. Now you can adjust the size of your character -- and you can change your appearance at any time if you've other mods that provide extra characters!

14 hours ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Fixed?] crash when died

2 years ago

Error while running event minime::on_post_entity_died (ID 133)
minime/scripts/corpse.lua:459: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
minime/scripts/corpse.lua:459: in function 'event_handler'
minime/scripts/events.lua:159: in function <minime/scripts/events.lua:156>

2 years ago

I added more than 10 characters.

2 years ago

Error while running event minime::on_post_entity_died (ID 133)

Could you send me a saved game?

I added more than 10 characters.

Don't add too many yet! Fixing the interface will take me some time. :-)

2 years ago

crashed game cant save

2 years ago

But I can tell you how to reproduce it

2 years ago

Start a new game, go into editor mode, then place some characters next to the hive, let the biter attack them, and keep placing as they attack

2 years ago

I meant prior to the crash, so that I could follow how it happens. But actually, I may have a fix already. Try to replace lines 459 and 460 in scripts/corpse.lua with this:

local player_index = global.minime_corpses[event.unit_number]
player_index = player_index and player_index.character_corpse_player_index
local death_cause =  global.minime_corpses[event.unit_number]
death_cause = death_cause and death_cause.character_corpse_death_cause

Does that fix it?

2 years ago

I'll try, if I don't get a reply, it's fixed

2 years ago


2 years ago

Should be fixed in 1.1.8. :-)

2 years ago

help me see this problem

I've answered there. Summary: There are two mods that want to modify character properties, and your mod won. Ixu must add a dependency on your mod to change that.

By the way, it's probably not such a good idea that you have a hard dependency on my mod! If you force people to load my mod although they don't want it, they'll end up adding conflicts against both (like ixu did). I think it would be more helpful if you'd recommend using this mod on your information pages.

New response