miniMAXIme: Character scaler and selector

by Pi-C

The player stands like a giant near the vehicles. Now you can adjust the size of your character -- and you can change your appearance at any time if you've other mods that provide extra characters!

14 hours ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Fixed] When there are too many characters, they will be blocked by the map

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)
2 years ago

Thanks! I knew this would be a problem at some point, and having introduced three new characters, you've actually contributed to the problem. :-P

You can make a quick fix yourself: just localize name + description of all your characters! Not only does that look better than the "Unknown key" message, it will also reduce the space required by the character previews, so more characters will fit into the visible space.

In the long run, I probably should make some changes to the GUI code: Adding a scrollbar to the previews, putting buttons next to the editor-mode for scrolling the previews left/right, wrapping the line after five or six previews, so there are multiple rows of character previews followed by one row with the buttons for god/editor mode …

Another idea: Remove the preview of the currently selected character (so the characters at the top will be just the available characters) and add a preview of the current character (or the one last used before the player entered god/editor mode) below, next to the god/editor mode buttons.

I'm not sure yet what's the best way. The number of alternative characters has grown over the past two years. It's still relatively small (<10), but why shouldn't there be 20 or more in the future? That's obviously something I'd have to prepare for.

If you or somebody else has ideas, I'm open to suggestions! :-)

2 years ago

My new mod plans to add 10+ characters

2 years ago

So, you really are a problem! (Sorry, just kidding -- no offense meant. :-)

2 years ago

So I just simply test

2 years ago

The simple solution is to not draw the gui below the map

2 years ago

The simple solution is to not draw the gui below the map

Except it isn't that simple. I know there's a mod that hides the map when you display information about an entity (don't remember the name, but I should have that somewhere). Looking at that may give me an idea how to proceed.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I know this is probably a lot of work, but would it be possible to shrink the size of the previews, or possibly have the option of a dropdown list for the characters? I've been adding as many character mods as I can find :p
Also, not sure which mod is causing this but it's only showing 4 of the genshin impact mod skins in the selector GUI

2 years ago

I know this is probably a lot of work, but would it be possible to shrink the size of the previews, or possibly have the option of a dropdown list for the characters? I've been adding as many character mods as I can find :p

I'll have a lot of work in RL starting next week, so it may take some time. But shrinking the previews definitely is an option. (Although I've made them so big intentionally, as the characters used in game can be rather small and a bigger preview allows to admire them in more detail.)

Also, not sure which mod is causing this but it's only showing 4 of the genshin impact mod skins in the selector GUI

Should there be more? I found only four characters in the directory "images" (amber, keqing, klee, and xiao).

2 years ago

Yes, there will be more in the future

2 years ago

Oh, I was confused by mod description I guess I was expecting a ton of them hahaha. I guess it’s all working as expected :)

2 years ago

I recommend not shrink the size of the previews,
Just need to reduce the width of the gui
Because it already has scroll bars

2 years ago

Just make the gui draggable and the problem will be solved

2 years ago

Now my mod contains 21 characters

2 years ago

With so many new characters, wouldn't it be reasonable to add startup settings, so players could choose what characters should be created? This would definitely help with the problem this thread is about, until there's a new GUI ready. Even then it would be useful:

Once Bob's classes is updated, I create a version of each character for each of Bob's classes. If Jetpack is active, it will create a flying version of each character. I think Bob has about 9 or 10 classes, so for each character you create there may be 20 (or even more, if yet other mods do the same) versions. So, if this mod is used in single player mode and a player is only interested in one or two of the new characters, that would waste a lot of resources.

Of course, nothing would prevent you from turning on all characters by default, but I think the users should have a choice. :-)

2 years ago

I suggest replacing




Then fix the window size and add scroll bars

2 years ago

Just like this one, factory planner, it won't be obscured by the map

2 years ago

Easter egg for you: check out version 1.1.9! :-)

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