Materials Easy Space Exploration

by windht

1 Coal to 50 coals. 1 Coal to 50 woods. 1 Coal to 50 iron-ore. 1 Coal to 50 copper-ore. 1 Coal to 50 uranium-ore. 1 Coal to 50 stones. 1 Coal to 2000 crude-oil. 1 Coal to 5000 water. 1 Coal to 1000 steam. 1 Coal to All SE ores

2 years ago

g Licensing

2 years ago

Pretty sure one is not supposed to just change the license. The original mod was licensed under GNU GPLv3. To be able to change the license, actually requires permission from everyone involved with the original mods from which this was derived. (this is covered under section 5, subsection c) of the GPLv3 license, conveying modified source versions.)

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