Martincitopants' Space Modpack (Includes House Waterfilling Fix)

by Phoniez

This is a version of Martincitopants' Space Modpack that includes, a fix to make house waterfilling function again and various extra QOL mods and some other extras. Also, a big thanks to both Slikk and NikoMew for making this pack possible. For further info and some links, check the mod page description. IMPORTANT note: Install INGAME via the mod manager, also to update pack, uninstall main pack mod and reinstall it INGAME.

Mod packs
2 years ago

b Sound Bug Rock Mining?

2 years ago

Anyone know what mod is causing the goofy sound effect to play when mining rocks/bits of the wreckage at the start. It's extremely obnoxious.

2 years ago

Just found it :). Its trupen Rocks mod.

2 years ago

Now made the TrupenRocks mod optional, so the pack doesn't automatically install it when you update it and such.

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