Market Science

Do research by providing the requested items to the market.

1 year, 6 months ago
Circuit network

g Mod Feedback

1 year, 5 months ago

First of all, thank you for the mod! This has been a very refreshing way to play that game that actually forced some wildly different optimizations and creativity~. I thought i'd take the chance to give a review of my experience, gameplay solutions, and issues I've encountered

My playthrough:


I started a new run with market science, some minimal quality of life modes, and MAXIMUM SCIENCE MULTIPLIER (1000x). Its crazy, yes, but I like being forced to really optimize and scale my solutions at each stage of the game. So then right away, the biggest challenge here was being bottlenecked on a single market place.

At game start, I was forced into doing a lot of manual item management at the market to try and maintain having a single full stack of each item in the market. I put 12 individual belts leading to the market, each inserting items that are requested in the largest stacks (iron pipe, smelted plates, gears, chips, etc), and then I had to manually insert stacks of anything else requested every 20 or so seconds. No screenshot, pretty self-explanatory.

Rushed research for long inserters, then managed to find a setup where I could get 24 belts inserting items into the market! (I have a bobs mod that allows for changing angle of inserters). Then I rushed basic circuits and wired up logic to only insert items if a full stack isn't present in the market already.

Then after unlocking filter inserters, the real work began. Ended up settling on a configuration of 4 distinct belts approaching each side of the market, each leading into a small sushi-belt that will organize items into a variable amount of stacks in chests right outside the market. Inner filter inserter circuitry will then only put items into the market on demand; with the exception of a few large stack items (looking at you 175x iron bar requests). As items are emptied from chests, circuitry spans out all over my base that will put items onto one of these 4 belts to be replaced as needed.

and then.... I stopped playing. I realized that even with more and more advanced logic such as spreading items stacks between multiple chests, logistic bots down the road, I'll always be bottlenecked on two things: how fast these 12 inserters will operate, and how frequently the marketplace refreshes its item requests.

Issues and suggestions:

Once again, this was a very great and refreshing mod; in no way am I complaining or trying to be entitled. As a game developer myself, I understand how important feedback can be and so hopefully this can assist us if we continue to develop this mod further.

  • Inability to scale
    If you read my playthrough above; the single market place is the largest unsalable bottleneck here. I assume we restrict the single marketplace due to technical ease, but if we want to develop this mod more this would be the biggest thing to tackle. From a gameplay perspective, perhaps there could be a tradeoff where having more markets makes item worth less overall? Or somehow make each marketplace increasingly more difficult to craft?

  • All items needed to progress science, item requests are very small.
    Right at the get go, it became obvious that I had to automate basically every single item a tiny bit to get any research done at all. It makes that first 'reward' of getting that first research done very hard to obtain, but then all subsequent researches are significantly easier. I would consider perhaps making each research only accept a few types of items that are constantly accepted. This way we can automate item production in sets, as well as force us to optimizing/scaling these few specific items more.

Moreover, completing any research subsequently makes all further research harder due to new recipes. It'd be a nice quality of life thing to have each research only request items from dependent researches, to encourage (not punish) filling out the tech tree.

Thank you for the mod! Its been a blast :)

1 year, 5 months ago
(updated 1 year, 5 months ago)

Thank you for your feedback, It's very much appreciated. Here are some of my thoughts on your feedback.

  • There should be a new science that raises the maximum number of markets by one. One at blue science, one at purple/yellow and one at space.
  • The main reason for limiting the number of markets was to incentivise a different type of factory. Normally the most efficient way to build is to overproduce all the science and feed them to research labs. By limiting the number of markets it becomes more attractive to build a factory where items are only produced when needed, especially for the expensive items later on.
  • I agree that the early game is more rough than usual. I'm not yet sure how to resolve this. I was thinking of allowing red research to be done normal but that might make it even more complicated later on. This also ties in with your point about about punishing the player for completing research. I do agree that currently players might be discouraged to do research as it will make further research more difficult. Any ideas for this are appreciated.

I also have some questions if you would like to answer them.

  • You already touched upon it but what are your thoughts about the pacing in this mod? Especially later on, as more difficult research requires more points to complete.
  • How annoying was the refresh rate for the market? It is set to 1 second for performance reasons, but if its much more convenient I could set it to 1/2 or 1/4 of a second.

Either way, thanks for the feedback!

1 year, 5 months ago
(updated 1 year, 5 months ago)
  1. Keep in mind that I had a 1000x science requirement multiplier so I like the pacing slooooooow compared to most. The reason i stopped is because I realize now this was a bad idea as mod is setup in a way that it can't scale with that difficulty multiplier, I just started another run with only a 10x science multipler.

  2. The refresh rate of the market was actually one of the constraining factors in getting science complete. it effectively sets the 'max science per second' you can have if you just have all items present in the market already. increasing the tick rate would be good, but alternatively having the market request larger stacks at a time would also alleviate this.

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