Marathon Mod Automated

Automatically increases the resource costs of most recipes causing a marathon game. The will require the players to scale a larger factory and use rail to reach the end game. WARNING: Incompatible with marathon mod.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

b Error when loading with Angel's Smelting

7 years ago

Since the latest patch to angel's smelting, there seems to be a conflict. When loading the mod list, disabling MMA. Else, the game complains about recursive tech prerequisites. Note that angel's smelting changed tech prerequisites this patch, but not to be recursive. Angel suggested it might be that this mod makes assumptions about tech prereqs in angel's smelting.

7 years ago

The problem is in "marathomaton_0.2.39/prototypes/angelsmods/technology-updates.lua".
Turn line 11 into "--table.insert(tech_obj.prerequisites, metal .. '-processing')" to comment it out. (Without quotation marks ofc)

That means that bobs smelting is no longer added as a prerequisite tech for angels smelting of the corresponding metal though.

7 years ago

Yes, this should be fixed in the latest version. Thanks for the report!

New response