Marathon Mod Automated

Automatically increases the resource costs of most recipes causing a marathon game. The will require the players to scale a larger factory and use rail to reach the end game. WARNING: Incompatible with marathon mod.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

g Compatibility issue

7 years ago

Currently it for some reason nullifies any changes Omnicrystal and Omniscience do together, could this be rectified?

7 years ago

I can try something simple but can't debug unless you're more specific - you're claiming that all features of omniscience and of omnicrystal are disabled by this mod?

7 years ago

Well first of all there's a circular dependency between marathomaton, omnimatter, and only-smelting. Gonna talk to the only-smelting guy to remove it since i actually need to do my final-fixes after you it looks like.

7 years ago

Or alternatively you can remove your dependency on only-angel-smelting.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Well the thing is I do not know what is happening, I have my mods doing things like changing recipes and somehow, your mod cockblocks it, Want me to show you?

Basically I have some functions that do recipe changes (even just to my own stuff) and when your mod is active, it somehow makes them stop work and I have no clue what in your mod could possibly do it.

7 years ago

The code's all in github - if you have any questions about it I'd be happy to answer them.

I think I have an easy fix but it requires adding a dependency from marathomaton to omnimatter, which is currently impossible because it would cause a circular dependency of marathomaton to omnimatter to only-smelting to marathomaton. It would really help me if you could disable your dependency on only-smelting if it's not crucial to your mod.

7 years ago

If you can contact the only-smelting dude and get him to effect the changes I requested here that would also be great.

7 years ago

I have contacted him with it and there was a reason it had to go after only-smelting as it needs to secure it is last as it needs to detect it, can look into fixing it.

The weird thing is your mod only does it on science packs, I have tried looking through your code but I cannot find it, can you tell me what section of it does deal with the science packs costs so I can hone in on it more easily?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

After some testing I have concluded you are correct, the moment yours load after mine it works fine and the guy is fixing his mod this weekend he said to not be dependent on yours.

Add all my mods as dependencies then please :)

New response