I did some calculations, and I think the 'problem' is the compound interest that results from the price increases.
For example, multiplying all of wire cost, circuit costs and science costs results in a roughly x100 increase in resources needed for (blue) science.
Now this may very well be the desired effect you want to have (I have seen other mods that increase science cost by x100). I'm just saying that it's a bit much for me, personally, and that it would be cool if there could be a difficulty setting.
Compared to vanilla, the copper needs of your factory are roughly double compared to iron, so that changes what resources you have to go for first, but is feasible. Also, coal has a real danger of running out, but it's possible to aquire enough until you get solar running. Mostly, I would suggest setting map creation to very rich ore fields (which I didn't do in my first play), but that could be enough to reduce the resource troubles I had. (I played relatively vanilla. I suppose things would be very different in angel's mod where there is infinite ore).
Suggestion for automatic difficulty setting:
Obviously, it's not possible to do fractions in factorio, but perhaps you could do the changes in the recipes using a variable and then round mathematically to the nearest full number of ingredients at setup.
I will do the circuit as an example, but it could be applied to all, I think. And please forgive me if I make mistakes in the code. I can't really program lua, but it is just an example.
Wire cost at 100% difficulty is 9. So that could be changed to math.ceil(difficulty*9) (rounding up to avoid ever creating a '0' cost.)
With the difficulty variable set to 100% by default and easily accessible at one spot in your mod.
If I were to set that to 30%, then I would pay math.ceil(30%x9), or 3 Wires for my circuits. Along with math.ceil(30%x7)=3 Iron plates. The prices of other items could likewise be adjusted automatically.
Obviously, the rounding makes the difficulty setting a bit 'choppy', but it would do the trick, I think. Do you think that is possible to implement? (Again, forgive me for my ignorance in the actual programming process you have to do).