Manual Inventory Sorting

Makes some tweaks to the way inventory sorting works. You can sort your inventory on demand or toggle auto-sort. It's also possible to sort chests, cars and cargo wagons.

22 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Crash

4 months ago

Hi, this happend when I opened a chest from the Warehouse mod inside Blueprint Sandbox

2055.568 Script @blueprint-sandboxes/scripts/research.lua:44: Unlocking hidden Recipes for: bpsb-sb-f-player
2178.301 Script @blueprint-sandboxes/scripts/illusion.lua:191: Replaced 0 entities in Sandbox Blueprint
2324.235 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave1 (blocking).
2324.549 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
2466.351 Error MainLoop.cpp:1429: Exception at tick 12608035: The mod Manual Inventory Sorting (2.2.7) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event manual-inventory-sort::on_gui_opened (ID 95)
manual-inventory-sort/control.lua:134: attempt to index global 'SORTABLE' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
manual-inventory-sort/control.lua:134: in function 'sort_buttons_gui'
manual-inventory-sort/control.lua:147: in function <manual-inventory-sort/control.lua:144>

4 months ago

This is a duplicate of this and will be fixed shortly.

New response