Manual Inventory Sorting

Makes some tweaks to the way inventory sorting works. You can sort your inventory on demand or toggle auto-sort. It's also possible to sort chests, cars and cargo wagons.

22 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b Crash on on_runtime_mod_setting_changed by script

4 years ago

Error while running event manual-inventory-sort::on_runtime_mod_setting_changed (ID 59)
manual-inventory-sort/control.lua:48: table index is nil
stack traceback:
manual-inventory-sort/control.lua:48: in function 'update_options_cache'
manual-inventory-sort/control.lua:57: in function <manual-inventory-sort/control.lua:56>

Please check for player_index ~= nil.

Cu, steinio.

4 years ago

Should be fixed in 2.2.4.

4 years ago

Yeah fixed. Thx, that was quick.

New response