Manual Inventory Sorting

Makes some tweaks to the way inventory sorting works. You can sort your inventory on demand or toggle auto-sort. It's also possible to sort chests, cars and cargo wagons.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g russian locale inside

7 years ago

manual-inventory-auto-sort-off=Выкл автосортировку
manual-inventory-auto-sort-on=Вкл автосортировку

manual-inventory-gui-title=Настройки сортирови
manual-inventory-gui-auto_sort=Разрешить автосортировку
manual-inventory-gui-sort_limit_enabled=Разрешить частичную сотрировку
manual-inventory-gui-sort_limit=Лимит слотов автосортировки (колич.):
manual-inventory-gui-sort_limit_override=Ручная сортировка игнорирует лимит
manual-inventory-gui-sort_buttons_enabled=Показывать кнопки сортировки, если в инвентаре


manual-inventory-sort=Сортировать инвентарь
manual-inventory-sort-opened=Сортировать инвентарь сундука
manual-inventory-auto-sort-toggle=Переключить автосортировку инвентаря
manual-inventory-options=Открыть настройки сортировки

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Hi, thanks for this translation :D
However, I'm going to have to ask you to make the proper locale.cfg file and send it to me if you want me to add it to the mod (I'm guessing you already have it anyways). You can send it to me any way you want, tho I'd prefer sharing via link on google drive (or to You can contact me on Factorio forums (theRustyKnife) or the aforementioned gmail if you need to.
I tried to do this myself, but considering I know zero russian and sometimes my OS outright refuses to display Cyrillic I didn't succeed...
Thanks again!

7 years ago

Ok nevermind, I managed to get it to work - it's in 1.4.5 :D

New response