Manual Inventory Sorting

Makes some tweaks to the way inventory sorting works. You can sort your inventory on demand or toggle auto-sort. It's also possible to sort chests, cars and cargo wagons.

22 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

i Warehousing compatibility

8 years ago

Hi Rusty,

Thanks very much for this mod, can't live without it anymore :)

I did notice when using it together with Warehousing mod by Anoyomouse, it gives me an error when trying to sort the logistics storage warehouse.

"Error while running the event handler:manual-inventory-sort/control.lua:178: Index out of inventory bounds."

I took a look inside the mod files and saw that the logistics storage warehouse has 2000 inventory size, after some trial and error testing.. it seems that anything over 1000 inventory size gives this error.

If something could be done about this, that would be great.. if not, thats ok too ofcourse! :)

(if people want to use your mod and the warehousing mod together without any errors/crashes, change line 202 in "C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\mods\Warehousing_0.0.10\prototypes\entity.lua"

result.inventory_size = 2000;


result.inventory_size = 1000;

Have a nice day!

8 years ago

Thanks for the notice.
This is actually caused by the size of my temporary chest entity - it only has 1000 slots. It's clearly an oversight on my part and I'll try to do something about it as soon as I can.
For now you can change the number on line 36 in the data.lua file to suit your needs.
I'll put a notice on the front page to point this out before I fix it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

8 years ago

Ok, it should now be fixed in 1.4.3. Enjoy!

8 years ago

Nice. Very much looking forward to being able to finally sort the one Storage Warehouse I always use to stuff miscellaneous odds and ends into.

8 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix Rusty! cheers

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