Magic Lamp

Lamps capable of projecting complex imagery

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Here's what this mod is

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Okay first and foremost I had use the console to re-research Circuit Network 2 to be able to build Magic Lamps.

/c game.player.force.technologies['circuit-network-2'].researched=false; game.player.force.technologies['circuit-network-2'].researched=true

(This is probably since I already have Inventory Sensor mod that added that research I guess?)

Anyway, what is this mod? A visual item lister, or signal viewer. It displays onto the the ground, the count of items in chests, or signal values, with a few options:

But be warned it copies the look of the constant combinator so that's confusing.
That's pretty much it... It does a few other things of questionable value.

There is also a "Icon Strip Display" mode which displays the given signal value in binary form, but instead of 0 and 1 it is the signal icon displayed in place of the "1" over and over. Don't try two different items cause it'll get overwritten. You'll probably want to place flooring where the display end, since it displays nothing for 0-bits, so 1, 2, 4, etc all look the same, just shifted right.

And then there's String Display, which I guess display the ASCII-values of the signals. e.g. the ASCII value 52 is '4'. But who knows the order it chooses to display? I sure don't.

5 years ago

Thanks for both the instruction to activated and also the pic description.
Same here, this mod not appear on the item list due...Inventory mod i guess,

Since the mod has no description/ pic, i thought at first the vanilla lamp become magical, tinkering with it to see how the mod changes it,
End up getting confused because there's no "lamp" other than vanilla lamp, or even new entity circuit added by the mod.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

a description always is important. a bad description or no description at all causes even the best mods to get only very few downloads. and even though it's possible to relatively easily find out how the "main" display (to show numbers) works, it's a lot more difficult to understand the other two modes of the mod.
Uuuggg, THANK YOU for the description!

i just tried how to use the "strip mode" and found some more detail: the mod primarily assumes that the used value is a word (16 bits), but will also handle more bits. the MSB (most significant bit) of that word (bit 15 if you number the bits 0-15 since the value of one bit is "2^bitnumber") is always displayed exactly below the combinator, with the other 15 bits to the left or right of that depending on whether LSB is set to be shown left or right. if the value is larger than a word (>65535), it will continue displaying bits to the opposite side of the combinator.

using several values as input to a strip works similar to using lamps where a signal with higher priority overwrites signals with lower priority, eg red overwrites green, which both overwrite yellow, and all this is done as if the single bits would each be separate lamps. but this still can be used to display a stripe of signals (eg for the background of some indicator from green through yellow to red). too bad that the virtual signals seem to have higher priority than items.

therefore in the following example (variant 1) i have used green/yellow/red science bottles as background instead, and the checkmark that has higher priority than (all!?) the item signals. with only a little more effort (variant 2) it was also possible to negate bits and thus "cut a hole" in the background strip to let an item signal (ie iron plate, with lower priority than the background virtual colors) "shine through". a little trick was needed: the intermediate "variable" is the checkmark which has lower priority than all color signals; using a letter signal instead would overwrite all colors since it can't easily be filtered out.

the combinators on the right side are a simple timer to generate some "pseudo-value X" for display,
followed by a combinator that moves a "1" bit to the correct bit location.
variant 1 then directly places it at the position where it overwrites the background stripe.
variant 2 does the negating first to let the background overwrite all but the intended position.

since blueprints of the magic lamp won't save all settings (BUG), you need to select "icon strip display" yourself.


have fun :-) (feel free to use this in a mod spotlight or tutorial if you find it interesting or helpful)

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