Linear Research Costs

by Zoryn

Makes research that uses an exponential function instead scale linearly. Uses regex, so should work with most mods.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

g New productivity research going crazy :D

a month ago

With the mod enabled all new infinite recipe productivity terchnologies cost only two (+1 for level) science packs, even tho in normal game they cost 1000 and more

a month ago

I'll look into it, that's definitely wrong lol

a month ago

After the update it works now, only starting infinity (level 1 for the infinity technology) costs are just 1, but after that it works.

a month ago

I think the problem is with techs with a cost formula containing 2^(L-F), L is the level to research, F is the first infinite level.
The first infinite level will then cost: BASE * 2^(F-F) = BASE * 2^0 = BASE * 1
But if you replace ^ with * using this mod it becomes: BASE * 2*(F-F) = BASE * 0

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