There's two options that I know of:
1) in your locale file use
logistic-science-ore=ITEM__logistic-science-pack ore
which will result in the localised string: "Logistic science pack ore" but will respect other mod renaming of the item (with bobtech installed logistic-science-ore is called "Transport science pack ore" and can be done for all your ores so they are dynamically updated by any other mods that may rename stuff....
2) instead of using ITEM in the locale, add a new entry for the transport science pack to each section, then in data-final-fixes.lua do something like this:
data.raw["item"]["logistic-science-ore"].localised_name = {"item-name.transport-science-ore"}
which is quick and clean but will need logic and locale entries for any other mods that mess around with science pack names.
warning: the double underscore is being changed to bold it, the format is [underscore][underscore]ITEM[underscore][underscore]logistic-science-pack[underscore][underscore]