Laser Walls

by RedRafe

A Wall equipped with laser turrets to fight enemies back.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [Solved] Gun Walls

3 years ago

a wall that is a gun turret,but with limited ammo .(maybe a electrical turret that dont gain energy from grid,instead,it only fill energy when place,and when mined,it drop a out-of-ammo gun wall so you can refill it)

keep doing this,we might just got a walls modpack XD

3 years ago

Yeah, the point is, I don't really see the benefits of ammo walls. They need to be refurbished individually (-> lots of inserters) or have a recipe that does that, so you'd deconstruct and reconstruct over and over again. It is not a mechanic you'd want in early game and late game you just could use electric weapons to do the same... They don't use resources and have better damage against biters

3 years ago

you are probably right,I just think of early game gun turret nest clearing,

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