Laboratory Tiling Generator


Replaces the terrain with laboratory tiling on generation. To permanently activate on a new map, use the activation seed '5228453' (=LABTILE). Can also be activated per-session and replace existing chunks triggered via the remote. Provides buttons for the creative-mode mod.

6 years ago
6 years ago
Latest Version:
1.0.5 (6 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
5 users


Standalone modification that enables you to play on infinite laboratory tile checkerboard maps (see rail tutorials for instance) by (selectively) replacing the terrain generation. Intended for use with the creative-mode mod.


In order avoid having to switch the mod on and off all the time by activating/deactivating, it only activates under specific circumstances:

  • Option A : Use the activation seed (5228453 = "LABTILE") on map creation. Will permanently activate the custom generator on that map.
    Keep in mind that, due to the activation using a seed, there is a slight chance that it will activate on a random new map, as that exact seed might be randomly generated. Chances are, however, small.
  • Option B : Activate using remote interface call. Can be easily achieved using the creative-mode menu MODDING->INTERFACES->lab-tiling-gen. Read the tooltips on the buttons there.

Active means that any new chunks will be replaced, which only happens on generation time. But when using the creative-mode menu and ri-calls, you may also replace all of the currently existing chunks in your map with laboratory checker. This will take a while, but is executed in small workloads each tick, so it is feasible to use on bigger maps. Progress will also be saved on game save, so that the operation will be resumed on game load. You can choose to:

  • Keep None : Delete all non-player entities (everything).
  • Keep non-Landscape : Only delete trees, rocks and resources.

Using the last mode allows you to keep your currently built machines and such on the map.


  • Works with any non terrain altering mods.
  • Works with rso-mod (Resource spawn overhaul).
  • Only partly works with some other terrain-altering mods.

Due to the nature of the chunk generation event, only one chunk generation altering mod will have an effect on the actual result. This means that lab-tiling-gen must be the last mod of that sort to initialize for it to work automatically (on seed).
This is especially the case when the other mod has a name sorting before lab-tiling-gen or it was explicitly added to this mods dependencies. Please comment on this if you run into such problems and I will add those mods to the optional dependencies, or you can even do it yourself.


* Added handler to allow correct mod migration from 1.0.3 upwards.

* Fixed a bug during on_load event.
* Added deactivation in-game.
* Changed activation to be stored in a game state variable
* Changed force() to process in small per-tick workloads to work better on larger worlds.

* Added non-Landscape force() option.

* Added creative-mode support.

* Added force() replacement.

* Initial version.

Known Limitations and Bugs

  • Although it does respect limited world size, it does not work as intended for sizes < 30. The player will be spawned away from the actual map platform.