More Long Inserters

by Kryzeth

Adds long inserter variants of nearly all detected inserters. Also optionally adds burner versions of the bulk and stack inserters. Fully compatible with Bobs Logistics, Artisanal Reskins, AAI Industry, Industrial Revolution 2 and 3, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Krastorio 2, Random Factorio Things, and Plutonium Energy. Incompatible with the inserter overhaul setting in Bobs Logistics. Not recommended to use with Bobs Adjustable Inserters (try Side Inserters instead!)

13 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Not a bug] Replacing without breaking

3 years ago

When you replace a long inserter with lets say the long fast inserter it doesn't return a regular long inserter to your inventory it just deletes the item and places the new inserter.

3 years ago

Check your inventory to see if you get a regular yellow inserter instead. The default setting is when long inserters are picked back up (by either mining, bot, or fast-replace), they return the base inserter (which for a long, is a yellow). This is because the default setting also makes long inserters a shapeless recipe of their base inserter (as in you craft a long inserter using a yellow inserter and no other ingredients).

You can change this behavior in the settings, if you want the original crafting recipes, and permanency of long inserters.

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