More Long Inserters

by Kryzeth

Adds long inserter variants of nearly all detected inserters. Also optionally adds burner versions of the bulk and stack inserters. Fully compatible with Bobs Logistics, Artisanal Reskins, AAI Industry, Industrial Revolution 2 and 3, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Krastorio 2, Random Factorio Things, and Plutonium Energy. Incompatible with the inserter overhaul setting in Bobs Logistics. Not recommended to use with Bobs Adjustable Inserters (try Side Inserters instead!)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [Suggestion] More fast inserters (mod)

4 years ago

Hi Kryzeth
Can u make mod with inserters which more fast then fast inserter - 150% speed of fast inserter
And add 4 types of inserters
Lets call these types extra fast inserters
1) Extra fast inserter
2) Extra fast filter inserter
3) Extra fast inserter stack inserter
4) Extra fast stack filter inserter

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

There are many mods that add higher levels of inserters already, and this mod has been made to be compatible with the most popular of them, by adding long versions of higher level inserters.

You could try Bob's Logistics, which also adds higher tiers of belts, bots, and trains, in addition to inserters. You'll have to tweak a few settings to make it work with this mod though.

Factorio Extended Plus (FXP) is a much simpler addition; I think FXP-Transport will add what you want. It also adds other transport related things, similar to bobs, but you won't have to mess with settings to get it to work with my mod; they'll work together by default. Hope this helps!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Bob's mods are partially not compatible with PY mods bcuz causing errors on launch
I can use only bob's adjustable inserters so don't need to use inserters with long arms
I don't like Factorio Extended bcuz this mod braking some of mechanics of PY mod with py resources - some resource from Factorio extended core conflicting with resources from PY mods
So in py mods for there're serious problem with expanding logistic parts of game - for example in py mods i forced to use vanilla inserters and vanilla belts but i can adkust speed of vanilla belts when using Schall Belt configuration and that's helping
If u talking about ultra fast magnetic inserters - i don't like its graphics with missed arm, and i didn't find another mods with more fast inserters

4 years ago

Hm, is that so.. I suppose if they have any overlapping entities, that might cause issues. Have you tried with just the parts of the mod you want? Both Bob and FXP have a bunch of mods, but many of them only require the library, and not the overhauling parts of the mod.

FXP-Transport specifically only adds inserters, belts, pipes, cars, tanks, trains, and pumps. Its only requirement is FXP-Core, which doesn't actually change anything about the game by itself.

4 years ago

I wrote before FXP Core adding its resources which conflicting with PY mods, FXP isn't just library its almost complete fundament for another FXP mod's

4 years ago

Is that so? Hm, that would make it worse than Bob's... I would imagine there to be at least one mod that simply adds higher tier inserters, and nothing else. But that's outside of the scope of this mod.

4 years ago

I don't ask u to modify this mod i want to ask to make another mod, if u disgaree with me with idea for new mod i'll understand u

4 years ago

Huh, you're right, there are no other inserter mods that only add higher tiers of inserters, that actually keep the graphic. Are you sure that Bob's Logistics is not compatible with Py mods? I know for sure Bobs Functions doesn't add any resources by itself, so logistics should work theoretically...

If that really is incompatible... part of the issue is balancing... like speed and ingredients and technology... also compatibility with other mods... I suppose, if it were specific for Py mods, that would narrow down the potential issues considerably... but I don't know Py mods, and I'm pretty sure that changes up the recipes and ingredients a lot, right? I wouldn't know which ingredients to use for the right balance. It's tough.

4 years ago

I found out that Bob's mods can work with PyCoal Touched By an Angel mod - if Bob's Power is toggled on - and then and only that another bob's mods will work - bob's adjustable inserters is exception - this mod works anyway
PYCoal TBAA contains some bugs which kingarthur must fix so for now this patch is only way
But i don't want to be linked with bob's mods if py mods can work with vanilla and its have its own gameplay with its own resources
Who know's may be pyanodon will make his PY logistics mod or will expand PY Industry mod

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