More Long Inserters

by Kryzeth

Adds long inserter variants of nearly all detected inserters. Also optionally adds burner versions of the bulk and stack inserters. Fully compatible with Bobs Logistics, Artisanal Reskins, AAI Industry, Industrial Revolution 2 and 3, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Krastorio 2, Random Factorio Things, and Plutonium Energy. Incompatible with the inserter overhaul setting in Bobs Logistics. Not recommended to use with Bobs Adjustable Inserters (try Side Inserters instead!)

13 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [Fixed] Crash with Krastorio after newest update

5 years ago

There seems to be an issue with the latest version of the mod when using along Krastorio. A pretech towards the superior long filter inserter seems to be missing.

5 years ago

Ahh, I knew I forgot something. I was going to mark Krastorio as incompatible with this mod. I think it added a few too many inserters to fit neatly into few lines. I'll look into this later today.

5 years ago

Why would it be incompatible? It was working just fine before. I dont think the chain is disrupted, since you go from fast -> stack -> superior and its the same with the long and filter variants.

5 years ago

Was it? Hm, I don't remember testing this with Krastorio before... only recently, I tried to use Krastorio and Industrial Revolution, and there were.. issues, so I decided to mark Krastorio incompatible. I guess I'll have to take another look at it.

If it only adds in one more tier of inserter, then it should probably be fine. So the chain would be base | fast | filter | stack | stack-filter | superior | superior filter with the long variants of each underneath? Hm, that is only 7 inserters, and I think each row has 10 slots, so it should technically fit... hmm.

5 years ago

I can confirm it is working fine with Krastorio, have been using it for weeks along with it. Industrial Revolution seems to cause an issue along with it probably, since it uses multiple variants of burner inserters. And yes, the chain would consist of burner -> fast -> stack -> superior, with long and filter as seperate paths.

5 years ago

I suppose when I said "chain", I meant more about the physical placement of the inserters on the crafting menu. I think I always placed the burner inserters (burner, burner-long, burner-filter) in a separate row above all of the electric inserters, which themselves are divided by normal and long variants.

Although my recent update should have fixed the issues with IR, removing duplicate inserters, and placing them into the proper techs.

So the only issue with just this and Krastorio was.. a missing tech for superior long filter? Or a missing unlock for superior long filter in general? Is that something that Krastorio adds, or something that should be added by this mod, and isn't? (This would make sense considering I never added Krastorio compatibility, so there shouldn't be long versions of Krastorio-specific inserters added by this mod...)

5 years ago

The error specifically states that, Error while running setup for entity prototype "long-stack-filter-inserter" (inserter): next_upgrade target (superior-filter-inserter) must have the same fast_replacable_group (inserter != long-handed-inserter).

Just for your information, Krastorio adds 4 new inserters. Superior (which is just a faster stack inserter) long superior, filter superior and long filter superior. I think the issue may be that the filter inserter is not a free change upgrade like with the fast to long handed inserter and instead uses some intermediate products.

Hope this info helps.

5 years ago

Hmmm, are those long inserters added by Krastorio even when this mod is disabled?

Anyways, the error is almost definitely due to a recent change I implemented (and forgot to note in the changelog...), where I originally had all inserters able to fast-replace each other (in the same fast-replaceable group), but I noticed this caused a few issues in my most recent playthrough, where replacing long and base inserters resulted in some... wonky hand placements.

So I changed this so that only long inserters can fast-replace long inserters, and only base inserters can fast-replace other base inserters. So the error is that the two inserters in question are in different fast-replaceable group.

For some reason, the long stack filter inserter's "next_upgrade" (which is defined for use by the unfiltered upgrade planner) is set to a base-length superior filter inserter, and these two cannot fast-replace each other. I'm not entirely sure how this happens... I don't define a next_upgrade for the long stack filter... so it would have to be some other mod affecting this? I wonder if Krastorio attempted to add compatibility with this mod...

5 years ago

Yes those inserters are always enabled in Krastorio. As for the other things, i fear i might not know the answer to it. All i can say for certain is that the mod runs fine alongside Krastorio in the 2.0.4 and previous versions.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I realize the error now; since the logic from my mod simply copies an existing inserter (which has already been modified by krastorio), it also copies the upgrade_next value, and since I don't redefine it, the long variant keeps the value of the base inserter.

It didn't produce a crash before, since all inserters shared the same fast-replaceable group. Although if you ever tried using an unfiltered upgrade planner, it would try to upgrade to some wonky types. I should have an update soon which hides the existing Krastorio long inserters, and implements my own instead (to provide consistency in the crafting menu)

EDIT: This error should be fixed as of v2.0.6

5 years ago

Awesome, glad i could help a little.

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