Hmmm, are those long inserters added by Krastorio even when this mod is disabled?
Anyways, the error is almost definitely due to a recent change I implemented (and forgot to note in the changelog...), where I originally had all inserters able to fast-replace each other (in the same fast-replaceable group), but I noticed this caused a few issues in my most recent playthrough, where replacing long and base inserters resulted in some... wonky hand placements.
So I changed this so that only long inserters can fast-replace long inserters, and only base inserters can fast-replace other base inserters. So the error is that the two inserters in question are in different fast-replaceable group.
For some reason, the long stack filter inserter's "next_upgrade" (which is defined for use by the unfiltered upgrade planner) is set to a base-length superior filter inserter, and these two cannot fast-replace each other. I'm not entirely sure how this happens... I don't define a next_upgrade for the long stack filter... so it would have to be some other mod affecting this? I wonder if Krastorio attempted to add compatibility with this mod...