More Long Inserters

by Kryzeth

Adds long inserter variants of nearly all detected inserters. Also optionally adds burner versions of the bulk and stack inserters. Fully compatible with Bobs Logistics, Artisanal Reskins, AAI Industry, Industrial Revolution 2 and 3, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Krastorio 2, Random Factorio Things, and Plutonium Energy. Incompatible with the inserter overhaul setting in Bobs Logistics. Not recommended to use with Bobs Adjustable Inserters (try Side Inserters instead!)

13 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [Implemented] Make long handed Inserters fast replacable with each other

5 years ago

Hello, thank you for the mod. It's pretty nice.
The only thing is, that i would like, if the long inserters would be fast replacable/upgradable with the upgrade planer with each other...

Regards Jonathan

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hmm... I'm only now testing this, but I just noticed that burner long inserters and long inserters can only fast replace each other, while all the other inserters (both long, burner, and normal) can fast-replace each other. That's weird, I'll have to fix that.

As for the upgrade planner... I'm not sure about that. I didn't realize that was part of vanilla, and the way they have implemented it... I have no idea how it actually works. The 0.16 mod made it easy, by having a button on the GUI and a hotkey for setting what would upgrade into what, but vanilla... as far as I can tell, has nothing like that. I'm not sure how to even use it...

Anyways, I have the fast replace fix ready to upload, but I'm gonna have to look into upgrade planner, figure out how it works before I can implement a fix, and then upload both.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I figured it out, both issues should be resolved as of v2.0.2

5 years ago

Thank you very mutch

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