More Long Inserters

by Kryzeth

Adds long inserter variants of nearly all detected inserters. Also optionally adds burner versions of the bulk and stack inserters. Fully compatible with Bobs Logistics, Artisanal Reskins, AAI Industry, Industrial Revolution 2 and 3, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Krastorio 2, Random Factorio Things, and Plutonium Energy. Incompatible with the inserter overhaul setting in Bobs Logistics. Not recommended to use with Bobs Adjustable Inserters (try Side Inserters instead!)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g [Explained] Bob's inserter overhaul

6 years ago

Question: How does the mod handle boblogistics when you turn the inserter overhaul on?

This mode is designed to restructure inserters to have 5 tiers, 6 if you include burner, and removes the long inserter in favor of it being it's own tier, and all inserters having a long toggle.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

The mod states that this interaction is untested, but just for you, I tested it. It looks ugly as sin. Since you still use the same internal names, all of the long handed inserters are still created as they normally would be, as is the burner long and burner filter, but base long inserter stays gone, and my new inserters won't match the altered icons.

As a note to anyone else; NO, I will not be supporting bobs inserter overhaul. Inserters didn't need overhauling to begin with. And I hope this remains a toggleable option *hint hint*

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

As of version 1.0.1, this mod will make no changes when the inserter overhaul setting is enabled, and displays a message in-game, warning the user to disable the setting or disable this mod.

6 years ago

Thank you for the info.

Overhaul will remain toggle-able, however the default will change to being enabled at some point, likely the 0.17 version of my mod.

I do take feedback seriously, partly due to reading how you dislike my inserters GUI, the control script in Logistics will now disable itself when the overhaul is turned off. Since it was a stopgap measure for the lack of the long handed inserter if you weren't using the adjustable inserters mod, there's no need for it to be accessible if you have long handed inserters.

Also, the icons on show in your screen shot look like they're from Zombiee's ShineyBobGFX mod, not the defaults.

The only suggestion I would make, is that you could still enable the filter burner inserter when the overhaul is on, as that is the only hole you filled in the overhaul scheme.

6 years ago

I was definitely happy to see the recent changelog for bob logistics.

Although yes, I had forgotten to disable shinybobs (and shiny icons, which actually moved the inserters from bob logistics tab to vanilla logistics). The burner filter does seem to be the only thing that is missing, but..

The menus seem to be sorted well enough with just bobs, or with bobs + shiny. I think if people just want a burner filter inserter, I'm sure the burner filter mod would be better for them. No need for a bunch of other files that won't do anything in their setup.

New response