🌐 Enable All Planet Mods

by Kryzeth

Simply has every currently available standalone planet mod on the mod portal as a forced requirement. Glorified shortcut to quickly enable all planets, moons, space locations, and exoplanetary systems (mainly used for compatibility testing). 🌐

Mod packs
20 days ago

i [Implemented] New planet: Castra

a month ago


Also, while it isn't a new planet, it does give new solar system locations with new resources and things quite like a new planet, so I was wondering what your thoughts are on incorporating https://mods.factorio.com/mod/slp-dyson-sphere-reworked ?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Thanks for the new planet suggestion, I'll incorporate it as soon as I can.

As for the other mod.. hmm, the new space location around the orbit of the sun seems intriguing, I'll look into it. The name of this mod is technically misleading to begin with, since 3 of the included mods are technically moons, so it should be fine to include the sun as well.

Implemented both mods in v1.0.6

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