Kovus' Rcon MessageQueue (krmqueue).
Creates a messagequeue for use with RCON mods & external programs to get messages.
Mod usage
Mods create a queue, and then insert messages into it. RCON clients can then query the queue for new messages (as it all gets indexed).
See "RconChat" as an example.
External RCON client usage
Client software gets messages by querying the message-queue. If you know the last message you've seen, your code would then ask for all messages newer than that.
See https://gitlab.com/FishBus/chat-discord/tree/master/ruby-rdchat as an example.
It's possible for this to support updated versions of encoding of data. Currently, as "version 0" it's abusing item-with-tags to create data output formatted similarly to Factorio blueprint strings.